Massage Therapy
All practitioners are certified massage therapists and members of the l’ordre des massothérapeutes du Québec. They work closely with the physiotherapists to ensure their work is complementary to the treatment plan.
- Swedish Massage: Gentle and fluid strokes used to alleviate pain and gently relax muscles
- Deep Tissue: Slow deep pressure technique focusing on realigning deep muscle layers for improved mobility of muscles and connective tissue, and to reduce fascial adherence. Often used for persistent pain.
- Myofascial release and Trigger point therapy: Gentle sustained pressures (2-5 minutes) into tight connective tissue restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion.
- Athletic massage: Moderate to deep tissue pressure used to activate, relax, improve flexibility and reduce muscle fatigue – used in preparation or recovery from a specific sport.
- Pre and postnatal massage: light to moderate pressure and strokes used to reduce pain and to promote muscle rest and recovery as the body adapts to postural and movement changes during the antenatal and postpartum periods.