of postpartum women have urinary leakage
0 in 5
women have pain during sex
0 in 4
women have chronic abdo-pelvic pain world wide
of women have a pelvic organ prolapse
Ladies pelvic floor dysfunction is all too common but far too under-treated. Women don’t seek help because they feel it is “taboo”, they don’t know where to find resources or they have been told what they are experiencing is normal…FALSE! Pelvic or genital pain, urinary and bowel issues are NEVER NORMAL! This is not just a pregnancy related issue either…athletes, weekend warriors and golden age ladies take note. Pelvic floor dysfunction can affect anyone at any point in their lifespan and all women should have their pelvic floors assessed before issues arise. .
When your pelvic floor needs an assessment:
- You’re pregnant
- You’re participating in impact or heavy lifting sports
- You’re beginning menopause
- Before and after abdominal or pelvic surgeries or radiation therapy
- Pain during sex…even just a couple of times.

of women have constipation
0 in 3
women have a persistent abdominal separation in post-partum
0 in 2
of Elite female Athletes have urinary leakage depending on the sport
of post-menopausal women have urinary leakage
- Urinary and anorectal dysfunction
- Urine or stool leakage (small or large) – related or unrelated to pregnancy (e.g. Athletics)
- Frequency and / or Urgency (with or without urine or stool loss)
- Difficult urination – slow to start, incomplete or intermittent stream
- Constipation and difficulty passing stool
- Pain with urination or defecation
- Pelvic organ prolapse
- Uterus, bladder, or rectum
- Pre and post-surgical consult and conditioning
- Pain or scarring after pelvic radiation therapy or obstetric, gynecological or colorectal surgery
- Pelvic pain
- Vulvar, vaginal, clitoral, perineal pain (at rest, with touch or with intercourse)
- Difficult or impossible penetration (intercourse, tampons)
- Anorectal pain (at rest or with stools)
- Pudendal neuralgia, endometriosis, or bladder pain
- Vaginal stenosis (tightening) due to dermatological conditions (i.e. Lichen Sclerosus), menopause, radiation therapy or pelvic surgery
- Painful or stiff scarring after delivery, pelvic surgery or radiation therapy
- Sacroiliac or coccyx pain
- Sexual dysfunction
- Vaginismus
- Healing after sexual abuse, rape, trauma